Community Legal Education
Community legal education (CLE) is an important part of achieving our vision to facilitate social justice through access to the legal system. Through community legal education we aim to demystify the law, so people understand their rights, how to exercise those right and how to navigate the legal system. Our goal is to educate and empower the community to solve their own problems before they escalate to the level of requiring legal assistance.
We work closely with our valued partners in the community, particularly neighbourhood houses, the migrant resource centre, and other community service providers to identify legal issues impacting the community and to identifying groups who would benefit from community legal education about these issues.
From this model we have developed the following CLE presentations, which can be tailored to specific groups:
- Consumer Law
- Employment law
- Before Death / After Death (Wills, Power of Attorney, Enduring Guardianship, Property Transfer)
- Disability Discrimination
- Family Law
- Family Violence
- Incorporated Associations
- Neighbourhood Disputes
- Pet Ownership
- Restraint Orders and Family Violence Orders
- Welfare Rights
- Adulting 101
- Rights when dealing with police
We travel to locations in the community to deliver these sessions, including town halls, community centres, clubs, schools, and workplaces. We also use interpreters when needed (as shown in the photo below).
If you are interested in arranging a free community legal education session from one of our skilled lawyers, please click here to contact us. Due to demand for our service we will need at least one month’s notice to accommodate the request.
Community Legal Education Upcoming Events
St Helens
Northern Suburbs Community Centre